: WASHINGTON, D.c.. 20535 la Reply, Please Fifer te ee er ee File No. τ πο ἧς

, 1968



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The δον δὲ Party and other τ: are continuing their efforts to force the United’ States -to” change its present policy toward Vietnam. There’ is set” eu, bead sok forth below a’ summary, of current and planned: future, pela ash iar through which they hope to accomplish this end. Mite

"Demonstration Against the ‘Vice-President τς : Sac SET da -΄-᾿--------΄ ----ςςςς--ς..-

On January 19, 1968, approximately 150 naiy igual: demonstrated near the entrance to the Hotel Lowry, ‘Saint Paul, Minnesota, betweén 7:30 P.M.“and 9:20 P,M., in protest of. the. war in Vietnam. During this «time Yicg-President Humphrey * oo was present at the hotel. Seyeral.members of the Minnesota—_ Dakotas District of the’’Cofimunist Party, as well as’‘members:: _ of the Twin Cities Branch, Socialist Workers ie participated in this demonstration. wa

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The Socialist Workers Party has been cated as subversive by the Attorney, Generat pucenen® to Beecutive: Order Ἰοίοῦ, .


Demonstrators carried signs bearing antiwar slogans and distributed literature against the Vietnam wars - a

Demonstration at Naspi ng rons De. Ce; February 5-6, 1968

Previous eatonastion has been supplied “concerning a demonstration to be held in Washington. D.\C*7, on February 5 -and 6, 1 68, sponsored by the’Clergy and ymen Concerned About Vil tnam, a group which opposes U.S. yolicy in Vietnam. the -anno: neement for this demonstration was made εὐ. Martin tther Benes ὅτ. ΐ ἐκ δὰ


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It has been developed that Martin Luther King, Jr., and Senator Eugene McCarthy will be speakers during this demonstration, An invitation has been sent to former -- Vice-President Richard Nixon to speak, but-he has not accepted vi or rejected the invitation,

The current schedule for the demonstration éalis for registration on February 5 and a "state by state strategy session" atthe New York Avenue Presbyterian Church, Washingtoh, Ὁ. C., until noon. From 1:00 P.M, to 2: 15 P.M, _ tprocessiom of. agony" will be held followed by "Congressional visits" frog 2:15 P,M, until 5:15 P.M, On February 6, two -plenary sessions will be held devoted to the draft and "Politics, 1968," :

lude well-known Ahe United States, ne Coffin, στο, who diJury for counseling

Leaders of the demonstration i clergymen from various faiths throughout One of these is the Reverénd William 5 was recently indicted by a “Federal Gr; against Selective pate


It is anticipated that several thousand εἶ ἐϑ θῇ

from all parts of the country will participate. =


Other Demonstrations

Approximately 30 persons participated ina aaKo he stration at the Armed‘Forces Induction Center, 640 Chapel Street, New Haven, Connecticut, on January 18, 1968, in protest of the war in Vietnam, the draft, and. in support of "William

Sloane Coffin, Jr., and Dr. Benjamin Spock, who was indicted © along with Coffin. :

On January 18, 1968, approximately 25 students picketed on the Wright State University campus, Dayton, Ohio, in protest of Dow Chemical Company recruiters who were on the campus at that time. The pickets carried signs stating "Dow Shall not kill," "Napalm is malignant, cut it out, "and "Stop the war in Vietnam."


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ες on January “18, 1968. Pladards indicated the demons tration

Campus Committee to End the War in,

_desk at the Student Union Center on the University of Illinois © Circle Campus, Chicago, Illinois, on January 18, 1968, This

.President..of the Circle Campus Chapter of the Students

protest of the war in Vietnam and in sympathy for. individuals



On January 18, 1968, approximately 35 individuals _ ae tiene demonstrated in front of the Syria Mosque, Pittsburgh,. Pennsylvania,. where j, Governor Ronald Reagan was scheduled to speak before a Republican fund-raising luncheon. ‘The demonstration concluded prior to the arrival of Governor Reagan.. :

- The demonstrators Care kee signs pee the war in Vietnam. i Oo. Ν

Approximately 50 individuals participated ina demonstration at the main gate of the United States Armed 7 eae Forces Induction Station, Fort Hamilton, Brooklyn, New York, was sponsored by TS” Resis draft, and was being hel«

Ance, a group which opposes. the. = ΞΡ. in Support of Resistance member

: Leonard Brody who was scheduled for induction that day but

whose induction had been canceled by’ perecrave Service officials.

4 ap The Young Socialist Atle youth group of the Socialist Workers Party Ὁ’ the-Univergity of [llinois Circle jetnam, a group in” a opposition to, the Vietnan-War ; and the Chicago area Draft Resisters, a group in opposition tg the draft, set up a protest

action was'taken to protest the presence on campus of Marine Corps recruiters on January 16 and 17, 1968, ᾿

During this.pe riod a debate among students occurred, As a result of the debate, an altercation occurred..among the students which resulted in the arrest 6f. abs ΡΟΣ a B or.

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Democratic Societys. Morowitz was charged with disSordér conduct on a ‘eonplaint signed by University police. The Students fcraDemocratic Society has been described by Gus Hall, General Secretary, Communist Party, USA, as a part of the "responsible left" which the Party has "going for us."

On January 20, 1968, 20 individuals demonstrated in front of the Cincinnati Workhouse, Cincinnati, Ohio, in

who were arrested on. December 7, 1967, for their antidraft activities in Cincinnati.


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ε Approximately 50 individuals under sponsorship of the Long Beach Area( Community for New Politics,-a group which

‘opposes U.S. policy if; Vietnan, demonstrated in Long .Beach, California, on January ,20, 1968,.in protest of Federul indictment of Dr. Benjamin Spock and his codefendants for ‘counseling evasion of the draft. During the demonstration participants carried signs, protesting U.S. commitments in the war in Vietnam, ° ἜΝΙ ' a 4: ue

3 ᾿ ἮΝ On January 20, 1968, New York State Assenblyman Joseph Resnick was the featured speaker at the Middletown Junior Chambe? of Commerce dinner, Middletown, New York. | During. the dinner approximately 45 persons under the sponsorship of the Middletown Committee for Peace Education picketed outside the building. where the dinner Was being. held. The demonstration was held protesting Resnick's stand in support of present national policy regarding the war in Vietnam. aa, ; ΧΩ a : ;

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The Student Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam has galled a conference to be held January 27-29, 1968, at the University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, The purpose of this conference will be to discuss an international student strike for the Spring of 1968. ; δ

Thé Student Nobilization Connittee to End the War) cin Vietnam is 2. broad coalition of student and youth groups jocated on over 600 campuses throvghout the country, which has organized student participation in such activities as the. October 21-22, 1967, demonstration in Washington, ἢ. C., and ~ the Stop the Draft Week held December 4-8, 1967.

In connection with this forthcoming meeting at the University of Chicago, Mike Zagarell,' Chairman of the Communist Party, USA, National Youth Commiss#6n, has sent out a directive to all Party youth urging them to help build this conference and to organize as many students as possible to attend.

Zagarell pointed out that the W.E.B. DuBois Clubs -of America, a Marxist youth group, had called a meeting of interested young people to aiscuss different approaches. to

this conference. a ? wf ἘΠ


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